This is lithograph by Edvard Munch titled "Jealousy I" . Edvard Munch was a Norwegian painter and printmaker. Through this artwork the man in the front looks so jealous, because of those couple in the back. I guess maybe the lade in the back could be the wife or girlfriend of the man in the front. But she dumped the man and find a gentleman. This is my expression of this artwork, i just guess so. Maybe i watched too much dramas. But this scene can happen in our life. Everybody can jealous. Actually i am jealous type. I am jealous If my classmate got better grade than me, if my friend bought a fancy brand new bag. So this artwork i can easily understand what artist tried to tell us. Because that is one part of our life.
Henri Matisse. Titled "Dance I". Through this patting, i could realize this artist painted the body figure of women when they move and dance. They look like turns clockwise. They are dancing in this painting, i could see how creatively the artist made these overlaps in the painting.Those five figures of movement made me want to dancing with them.
When i looked at this patting, i was scarred. After I saw the title" hide and seek" by American artist Pavel Tchelitchew.Begun in Vermont during World War II, Hide-and-Seek presents an apocalyptic vision of the childhood game of its title. At first i thought in this pairing , artist wants to express tree is firing . But i looked the tittle and look again, i saw few babies with their open mouse. I don not know why this patting is like one horror scene of horror movie. This pairing bring me to the cruel war, and those babies were died during the war. Those souls moving around and they play hide and seek. Actually when i was young, i played hide and seek with my friend. That moments could be the best memories in my childhood. But this patting , i feel sad and fear.
I think those three personal , culture and historical identity are related to each other . Personal identity can reflect to culture ,also culture identity can reflect to personal. Though this field trip i can better understand what is art. Art is a creative way of life. I think every one's life is just like a art.
Information of artwork:
Artist’s Full Name : Edvard Munch
Title : "Jealousy I"
Medium : Lithograph
Year Completed : 1896
Artist’s Full Name : Henri Matisse
Title : " Dance I"
Medium : Oil Painting
Year Completed : 1909
Artist’s Full Name : Pavel Tchelitchew
Title : " Hide and Seek"
Medium : Oil Painting
Year Completed : 1940-42